
Life is unpredictable. We do not know when will we be leaving this planet. We may not know what kind of diseases will occur in our body. We do not know when will we take our last breath. For 28 years of existence, I’ve seen people died on their death beds and wondered if did they lived their lives on earth to the fullest. If they still have unfinished business. What happened next? All of those dreams and plans will be gone in just a snap. Did they cry in the other realm. Did they met the people they’re suppose to meet when they were still alive? Did they went to the places they wanted to go?  Did they said the words they were suppose to say? If they didn’t, did they failed the life’s test? Is there anyone in the world who died and  can say for himself that he succeeded? Our life on Earth is just passing by. We were all wanderers with why’s in our mind. Questions that can never be answered until we die. As for me, I’m no different. Passing through… waiting for answers…

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