1:04 am Devotion


Thinking about life makes me feel a bit gloomy. In my early morning devotion, my feelings are erratic. I know I’m stressed but God is there to comfort me. Through the years, God has always been there with me. I never felt alone. In times that I was clouded with my emotions, God cleared them all. I can say that as I aged, I learned to depend on God more. I learned to let go of the things I can’t control. I began to be worry free. I began to leave the past, live the present and let God handle my future. After all, it is finished. I’m just  a mere human loved by a great God. All praises to You, my Lord Jesus Christ.

Suicide note #1

Thank you world, you’ve been good somehow

Thank you people, you’ve been nice for quite some time

Thank you family, for the never ending support

Thank you friends, most of you are not true

Thank you enemies, you made me brave

Thank you love, you left me dead…

My spiritual journey has just began.

Ok, so here I am with my not so famous blog. I was just curious why this blog was so stagnant compared to the blog I created first where every day I got likes and views. Maybe because it is not that worth reading? Or doesn’t appeal to the viewers or other bloggers. Well then I just have to close this down… Nope I am not. I am not giving up…

Today I was reading my Bible and didn’t quite catch what is the message. I opened the youtube and stumbled to this channel whereby the preacher is preaching the verse I just read.

2 Corinthians 10:3
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.

At first I am confused to the ancient words since I do not read the Bible religiously so I am not used to it. The pastor said that usually when we are asked who is our enemy, we usually say, the devil. Needless we know, it is ourselves. We think too highly of ourselves that we became puffed up and prideful.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

If we focus on God, that He is the main purpose of everything that we do, He will always lead us and guide us.

Psalm 101:3
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

Be vigilant of whatever you feed thru your eyes, whatever you listen thru your ears for it will be digested in your heart. Free yourself from the worldly things and flee from them. (Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life)

James 3: 14-18
Forgive easily and just move on. There is no room for bitter envying for it is the works of the devil.

Proverbs 27:2 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.

Do not be self conceited for whatever you have in life, let God be praise and not yourself. He must increase and we must decrease. God > I.

So here is the notes I made during listening to the preachings. I have my King James Bible 1611 and my small notebook which is my prayer journal as well. From time to time, I write my prayers in this notebook and whenever I turn to the previous pages, I realized that all those prayers were granted by our Lord. Every time I am down, I just read this and it keeps me grateful and blessed in spite of the shortcoming in my life. You might want to keep and own one. Please, whoever is reading this, you can drop your comments and message so that we could also share or exchange God’s words.
All the glory to God.


On our way to the EU dream…

We’re studying English and praying hard to pass all the exams. We passed the interview and thank God that we were in the same hospital. This is only the start of something new I might say. To the land of Mr. Bean, here we come! White Christmas, off we will land! 🙂

1 Corinthians 6:20

For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

This verse struck me and reminded me how Jesus gave His life for us to be saved. The whip, the wounds, the scars, the blood shed, the crucifixion. It reminded me how he cried for God to save us on His last breathe. How fortunate we are that there is this one man who was willing to sacrifice Himself for us sinners. God should be always in our heart and mind for us to be guided in every day of our lives until the day we are going to meet Him.

It’s been a while since I do early morning devotion and I missed it. It feels great to be back. I know God is using my fiancé to keep a good relationship with me. Thank You God, You never fail to amaze me with Your glory. You’ve been always there for me, for us…